Application for Missionary Support Application for Missionary SupportFull Name Phone Email Birthday Do you have a spouse? YesNoChristian Testimony *Please share a narrative of your Christian history, and if applicable, your spouse's Christian history. How did you come to faith in Jesus Christ? Who have been the major influences in your life?Family History *Please share a brief narrative of your family history. Suggested elements include parents, siblings, where you (and your spouse, if applicable) grew up, where you currently live.Agency History *E.g. Wycliffe (2020-Present), Pioneers (2013-2020)Missions Agency *Current Agency's Contact Information Current Missions WorkPlease complete this section if you are currently serving as a missionary. Are you currently serving as a missionary? YesNoWhat is your sending church and where is it located? Where are you serving and how long have you been there? Please describe your current work, those who benefit, and the challenges you face. How do you “declare His glory among the nations?" How does your work plant/build healthy churches amongst unreached peoples? Have there been any major changes to your ministry over the past year? The past five years? Do you envision any major changes to your ministry over the next year? The next five years? Please share any links to your ministry's online presence Write N/A if none are available Application for Missionary SupportPlease upload any pictures that will help us to get you, your family, or your ministry better (Non-anonymous question)What is your connection to Cornerstone? What are the specific ways that you believe that Cornerstone could partner with you? E.g. financial, prayer, provision of supplies, etc.What is the best way for the Missions Care Team to contact you? If brought on as a supported missionary/supported missionaries, would you commit to limited monthly correspondence with the Missions Care Team? YesNoWould a field visit from a representative of Cornerstone be helpful to your ministry? Are you in full agreement with the Cornerstone Statement of Faith (, and the Cornerstone Missions Mission & Vision Statement? YesNoWhat is the current total budget needed for your ministry? If you prefer to upload a file, enter "See Upload" and upload the file belowBudget Details File Upload (Non-anonymous question) What percent of your support is already pledged? Please provide a breakdown of your current support E.g. 20% sending church, 40% supporting churches, 40% individual supportersIs there a specific amount that you are requesting from Cornerstone? YesNoWhat is that amount? References Please enter a minimum of three references who can speak to your (and your spouse's, if applicable) character and suitability to serve as a missionaryReference 1 Name and Relationship to you E.g. Ron Brinkley (Pastor of sending church)Reference 1 Contact Information Reference 2 Name and Relationship to you Reference 2 Contact Information Reference 3 Name and Relationship to you Reference 3 Contact Information VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: