Not For Sale Documentary Screening

We will be viewing the documentary, Not For Sale, on Saturday, March 10th at 6:45 at the home of Dave and Amy Veling.  The documentary is based on the book by the same name written by David Batstone.  It reveals some of the most prevalent and tragic forms of injustice...

Scripture Memorization Program: 1 Peter 5:7

Welcome to the eighth week of the revived Scripture Memorization Program. This week we continue the topic of God’s peace. Tip of the week: You can download an MP3 of the entire Topical Memory system in KJV, NIV, RSV, or NASV here.  These verses are read along...

Scripture Memorization Program: Isaiah 26:3

Welcome to the seventh week of the revived Scripture Memorization Program. This week we begin the topic of God’s peace. Tip of the week: Listen to the entire Topical Memory System put to music for free!  Click here.  You can also download each individual MP3....

Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway

FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember is a marriage getaway coming to our area.  The weekend is a time to be together as a couple and invest in and strengthen the foundation of your marriage. Registration is half-price when you use our group name: ManchesterFBC There...