FBC Online-by-the-Sea: Routines

The movie, “Stranger than Fiction,” begins with this narration: “This is a story about a man named Harold Crick, and his wristwatch. Harold Crick was a man of infinite numbers, endless calculations, and remarkably few words, and his wristwatch said even less. Every...

Pastor Eric’s List of Praise

I created this list after I suggested in a sermon that listening to praise music during the week enhances our corporate worship.  A few people contacted me after that sermon and took me up on my offer to connect them to some great Christian music.  This list reflects...

Perspectives from the Porch and Other Perches #4

Billy Graham Week It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers . . .                                                                        [Ephesians 4:11 NIV] Last week was Billy Graham...

Perspectives from the Porch and Other Perches #3

NASCAR, Dad’s Car and My Car “My frame was not hidden from you . . .”   [Psalm 139:15a ESV] One “out of the box” experience I took in last week was the NASCAR Hall of Fame.  One of my nephews exclaimed, “I didn’t know you were into NASCAR!” “I’m not.”  Or at least I...

The Way Life Ought to Be

“The Way Life Ought to Be” “Maine – The Way Life Ought to Be.”  So proclaims the billboard as one rolls into my home state via I-95 from New Hampshire.  I enjoyed “The Way Life Ought to Be” on Ambajesus Lake in Millinocket, Maine for nearly a week full of solitude. ...