Cornerstone Church 20 School Street, Manchester, United States
All activiies are canceled at church today, Sunday, January 7, 2024 due to Manchester’s parking ban.
Join us Sunday, Sept. 8th following Worship for our lasagna luncheon to help welcome back our college students. RSVP to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e45adaa22abff2-welcome
All Ladies' (all ages) are invited to Renee Carsey's house for the Fall 2019 "Kick-Off" Mug & Muffin. Bring your favorite mug, eat a muffin, hear about the exciting Women's Ministry events that are planned and have wonderful fellowship. They Carsey's live at 3 Holworthy Way Beverly. If you have any questions contact Suzanne […]
The whole family (Nursery will be provided for children up to age 3) is invited to join us as we walk together learning about the Attributes of God.
Join us for Worship !
All kids in grades 6-12 are invited tonight for the Youth Group Kick-Off!
The whole family (Nursery will be provided for children up to age 3) is invited to join us as we walk together learning about the Attributes of God.
Join us for Worship!
In place of our Life Groups , we are excited to hold a mid-week Bible Study for the whole family. Please join us on Thursdays from 6:45-7:45 starting TODAY, where we will gather to pray, share testimonies of God’s grace, and study I Timothy. Childcare from nursery – age 3 will be provided.
The whole family (Nursery will be provided for children up to age 3) is invited to join us as we walk together learning about the Attributes of God.