About Us
What to expect:
When you enter the church building, you will see stairs to your left and right – either set of stairs will bring you into the sanctuary. Sit wherever you want, there are no reserved seats. The worship services consist of Scripture reading, singing, prayers, and message as well as a few other elements. Services contain a blend of contemporary and traditional music and usually last a little over an hour. Following the service, coffee and homemade treats are served downstairs. Feel free to stay and visit if you have the time.
What we believe:
Receiving the Holy Scriptures as our only rule of faith and practice:
- We believe in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe that man, created holy is now sinful, and that he can be saved only through the blood atonement of Christ.
- We believe that the Son of God has been manifest in the flesh, born of a virgin, died for our sins, has risen from the dead and ascended into heaven, whence He will come again in Glory.
- We believe that salvation is provided for all men, and freely offered to all in the gospel, and that those who accept it, being “chosen to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of truth”, will be kept unto eternal life.
- We believe that the only proper subjects for Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are believers in Christ; that Baptism is properly administered only by immersion, and should precede the Lord’s Supper.
- We believe that the first day of the week should be observed as the Christian Sabbath or Lord’s Day.
- We believe in the resurrection of all men, the just to a state of everlasting rewards and the unjust to a state of everlasting punishment.