J-Term Mid Week Family Bible Study
Cornerstone Church 20 School Street, Manchester, United StatesJoin us for the next 4 weeks as we finish our study in I Timothy.
All activiies are canceled at church today, Sunday, January 7, 2024 due to Manchester’s parking ban.
Join us for the next 4 weeks as we finish our study in I Timothy.
Join us for Worship!
Join us for the next 4 weeks as we finish our study in I Timothy.
Please join us for our prayer groups for the purpose of praying over Cornerstone Church and its ministries, the community and any personal prayer requests. Pastor Ryan will host […]
Join us for Worship!
All Youth in grades 6-12 are invited!
Join us for the next 4 weeks as we finish our study in I Timothy.
Please join us for our prayer groups for the purpose of praying over Cornerstone Church and its ministries, the community and any personal prayer requests. Pastor Ryan will host […]
Join us Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall from 9:00-9:45 am to study the attributes of God. A nursery will be provided for children through age 3. For more information contact Warren Carsey (Warren@Carsey.org).
Join us for Worship!